ARCHDES 701 - Advanced Design I
I think Craig Moller is a bit of a genius - even if said genius results in the sanity of his students being constantly under threat. For our first paper into the M.Arch (Prof) degree, we were faced with 3 individual assignments relating to the 'iconic'. This is the first.
Moller describes something to be characteristically iconic if it is able to be observed and recognisable at multiple scales. Following this ideology, we were tasked to design and build a table ornament that takes notes from an existing iconic structure.
Selecting Eero Saarinen's 'Gateway Arch' in St. Louis, Missouri, I studied its position as it relates to its site and the adjacent 'Old St. Louis County Courthouse' of which the Arch frames.
A few failed experiments in the NICAI metal workshop lead to the perfectly round final product - a plant holder that over compensates it's scale to encircle a humble cactus. One might say it's a bit large for its context, though one could say the same about the St. Louis Arch itself.